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, by Jonathan Moeller

PDF Download , by Jonathan Moeller
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Product details
File Size: 1333 KB
Print Length: 285 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Azure Flame Media, LLC (December 3, 2013)
Publication Date: December 3, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#85,245 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
This is a well-written book that I found to be even better than expected. It is clearly targeted at those of us with limited or even no experience with Linux, but there is additional very helpful information as well that goes beyond the installation and use of Linux Mint, such as an overview of installing and configuring an Apache web server in Chapter 11. The clear explanation on this topic alone was helpful to me in providing a better understanding of the Debian server used by my website hosting company.Linux Mint is probably the most popular Linux distro right now and for good reason. It is very similar to Windows and iOS, but differs just enough to be frustrating at times. In the Linux world most things are free and accessible, but in the Linux world most things are also poorly explained. The author does an excellent job of bridging that gap. In the non-GUI aspects, the gulf between the critical Linux command line and DOS is even greater and Chapter 3 provides a great overview of this topic. The author has also written another book specifically on this complex area which I intend to look at next.I have only one complaint that is not the author's fault. This book is available in eBook format only. As the author states "... almost certainly no paper publisher would (publish a short introductory book like this)...". If that is so, and the author should know, then it is a shame because this short, clear text will provide a useful reference in the future, and in my opinion at least, paper books are much better than eBooks for that purpose. I guess converting to a pdf is the only option. Overall, a very good introduction to Linux and Linux Mint specifically.
I have to admit I've had Windows for the last 25 years. I really have to get out of my comfort zone. Plus, I'm so tired of the the "incompatibility dance" you have to do with old software that doesn't work anymore everytime they "improve" their OS. It's costing everybody a fortune. I don't trust Microsoft future intentions. They say they'll never make Windows 10 subscription for home users. We'll see about that in five years. I want to have choice whether or not to move to a free operating system. I already got away from Microsoft Office and moved to a terrific program called Apache Open Office. Anyone who isn't familiar with it should look it up.
I liked the plain simple sentences and building block approach to introducing the reader to Linux Mint. That's the first 30% or so of the book. The next 60% or so was more detailed coverage of command line commands, servers, networks, and more complicated than a need to know. What I didn't like was when the author quit fully showing the full command line commands of the commands he was attempting to explain. It is probably all intuitive to some readers, but I eventually was lost and wouldn't know for sure what symbols and letters should be shown in the full commands. You'll have to read the book to see the problem described. It began somewhere after the first 25-30% of the book. Prior to that the command line commands were more fully illustrated. The last 10% of the Linux book describes the author's other fiction eBooks. Hope he is now editing them for errors and typos, but that has nothing to do with his computer books which are well written.
I am a long experienced Windows and DOS user. I am used to building my own pc's, installing/maintaining the OS and solving all my own issues with very little outside assistance.I purchased this guide primarily to begin acquiring some familiarity with the most basic Linux command line ("dos-type") commands (and secondarily for a very basic introduction to the Linux GUI, to the extent it differs from Windows). This book definitely met my needsThe book is a little verbose in spots, likely an attempt to be useful even to someone who's never used either Windows or a Mac. However I was able to quickly skim over such passages and learn a great deal of other Linux specific material that I didn't know.I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is new to Linux, and who would like to develop a basic to intermediate level of fluency, and do so quickly.This author also has another Linux title for Kindle that is devoted exclusively to the Linux command line. I intend on purchasing that title has well.My thanks to Mr. Moeller for taking the time to write this guide.
Linux is, assuredly, the future...either that, or some marraige of Linux (covered-up) by some other interface, Regardless, LINUX MINT is the fastest, easiest, and Linux Distribution (i.e., flavor, edition of) LINUX to install,AND to keep Windows fully functional on other Disks or partitions. Don't worry about this terminology...every LINUX user I've ever met says the equivalent of 'Dang, NOW this is the SH*T!!!!!!!. Enjoy what you have to discover, and watch the other Operating Systems copy as close as they can. I don't have any vested interest in LINUX (aside from getting twice the performance from equipment that would l likely choke on a 4 year old Dell). Heck, either you have the nads to try the Penguin, or remain in the cloud of corporate computing environments.. Enjoy, this book will get you up and running!
The author clearly knows his Linux Mint. Well-written, clear & comprehensive introduction to Linux Mint. I'm planning on installing Linux Mint on an old laptop & wanted a quick primer to bring me up to speed. This book did the job. Even went into some deeper topics that I don't think I'll be trying. Many thanks to the author for selling it at a reasonable price.
It didn't tell me the one thing that I bought the book hoping to learn: How to get printers to work that are hooked up to a computer running Linux.
I was very favorably impressed with this little book. I wish it had a few more examples, but the ones he had were great to a total Linux newbie like me. The first Linux book that clearly explains what things are, and how to use them, without either the elitist sneer, or the obscure references. I highly recommend this book, and will be looking at other offerings by this author.
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